I recently put together a library for interfacing Arduino development boards with sim racing devices such as shifters, pedals, and handbrakes. The library makes it easy to retrieve the relevant data from those devices and send it to a racing simulator. The only catch is that the user has to carefully wire things up themselves, which is a little tedious and results in a somewhat messy final product.
To close that gap, I designed some custom sim racing “shields” which attach to the underside of an Arduino and make it quick and easy to connect to existing sim racing devices.
Board Design
I had two goals in mind while designing these shields. The first was to keep things simple, and the second was to keep things low cost.
This meant that these boards are about as small and barebones as possible. They use an existing development board (a SparkFun Pro Micro) in place of a custom layout because it’s cheaper in low quantities and easier to assemble for a novice. The only components on the board are those that are absolutely necessary – the headers for the microcontroller, the connector for the peripheral, and pull-up/down resistors for the relevant input lines. There’s no frills, but that also means there’s no complications.
On the underside of the board there are jumper pads for each connection, bridged where necessary and labeled with their functionality. This allows the user to customize or re-order the connections as needed for any project. I also included a Tag-Connect programming header for posterity.
Both shields use DB-9 (or more accurately, DE-9) connectors to attach to the peripherals. Although the format is the same the genders are different between the shifter and the pedals, preventing users from accidentally connecting things the wrong way.
The shields can be assembled with either 0.1″ female headers for prototyping or 0.1″ male headers for a permanent connection. Only assembled boards with male headers will be able to fit inside the 3D printed case.
In normal times the total cost of each of these shields, fully assembled, should be less than $10 USD. Less than $5 for the PCB, the resistors, and the peripheral connector, then a few dollars for a “clone” Pro Micro. Unfortunately the current worldwide chip shortage has created a scarcity of ATmega32U4 microcontrollers and put a damper on that target. As of this writing you can still purchase official SparkFun Pro Micro boards, although they are a rather pricey $20.
Other boards such as the SparkFun Pro Micro RP2040 that match the footprint and pinout of the original Pro Micro are theoretically compatible but have not been tested.
Shifter Shield
The shifter shield is designed to interface with the Logitech Driving Force Shifter using a single DB-9 male connector. Using the Sim Racing Arduino library it’s possible to get both the current gear the shifter is in as well as its absolute position.
In addition to retrieving gear data, the shield is able to detect whether the shifter is connected or not. You can use the SHIFTER_SHIELD_V1_PINS
macro in the library for easy setup when declaring the shifter class instance:
LogitechShifter shifter(SHIFTER_SHIELD_V1_PINS);
Although it’s not currently implemented in software, the shifter contains an EEPROM for storing peripheral data which is wired through the shield to the Pro Micro’s hardware SPI interface. These jumpers are disconnected by default, but can be easily soldered for future EEPROM experimentation.
Pedal Shield
The pedal shield is designed to interface with the Logitech three pedal attachment, included with the Logitech G923 “TRUEFORCE”, G29/G920 “Driving Force”, and G27/G25 wheels, via a single DB-9 female connector. Using the Sim Racing Arduino library it’s possible to get the calibrated and raw positions of all three pedals.
As with the shifter, the pedal shield is able to detect whether the pedals are connected or not. You can use the PEDAL_SHIELD_V1_PINS
macro in the library for easy setup when declaring the pedal class instance:
LogitechPedals pedals(PEDALS_SHIELD_V1_PINS);
Note that this shield is not compatible with the two-pedal peripheral, included with some older Logitech wheels. While these pedals share the same connector the wiring pinout is incompatible.

Both shields can either be used standalone or protected with the provided 3D printable enclosure.
The enclosure is a two-part design, with the midline split around the same level as the microcontroller. Cutouts on either side of the shield, just behind the DB-9 connector, prevent the shield from sliding back and forth. The two case halves are aligned with a thin perimeter and held together with a pair of M3-10 bolts with matching nuts. When the case is assembled, the design holds the microcontroller and shield securely without any play.

My own cases were printed out of glitter black PLA on my Prusa i3 MK3S+ and add a high level of polish to the project. Since I made both a shifter and a pedals adapter, I printed some custom case tops with debossed shifter/pedal symbols to tell them apart at a glance. I thinned out some gun metal airbrush paint from an old project and brushed it on to provide a little contrast, then sealed the paint in with some flat clear coat.
As mentioned above, these shields are designed to be used with the Sim Racing Arduino library. Sketches can be compiled and uploaded using the SparkFun Pro Micro board definition in the Arduino IDE, with the same process you would use to upload to any other board.
You can of course upload any custom code you wish, though the most common use of these shields will presumably be as a USB HID adapter. The ShiftJoystick and PedalsJoystick examples included with the library work out of the box to convert the peripheral data into USB HID joystick data for use by any racing game or simulator.
Board Definitions
This project goes one step further. The repo includes custom board definitions for the SparkFun Pro Micro that provide:
- A custom USB vendor identifier (VID)
- A custom USB product identifier (PID)
- A custom USB product description string
- A way to optionally disable the USB CDC serial interface
With these changes, it’s easy to program the Pro Micro and shield combination as a standalone USB converter that presents itself to your computer as a “Sim Racing Shifter” or “Sim Racing Pedals” instead of as a “SparkFun Pro Micro”.
The ability to disable the USB serial interface also improves compatibility with some systems and games, and prevents accidental reprogramming. This way you can leave the microcontroller and shield connected at all times without having to worry about accidentally changing the firmware.
These options are easy to select from within the Arduino IDE (in the Tools -> Boards
menu). If you don’t want to bother with setting up the board environment, I am also planning to provide compiled binary files for the standard USB conversion firmware.
Make Your Own
Interested in one of these for yourself? Don’t fret, these shields are open source (GPLv3)! Everything is hosted on GitHub, click this link to go to the repository.
Have you assembled your own shield? Leave a comment below!
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Steve · January 5, 2025 at 11:21 pm
Can you tell me where to get the PCB?
Dave · January 7, 2025 at 5:09 pm
You can get the PCB by providing the gerber files to the PCB manufacturer of your choice. These PCBs were made by OSH Park (https://oshpark.com/). I like using OSH Park for prototypes because they make high quality boards and they’re inexpensive for small boards in small quantities. You can download the gerber files for this project from the latest release on GitHub.
That’s for the bare PCB. You will also need to buy the electronic components and solder them yourself. There are PCB assembly services that will do this for you, but they are usually not economical unless you are making things in bulk.
Steve · January 7, 2025 at 5:14 pm
Thanks for the reply. I was on github but confused on which is the Gerber file. I’m looking for the shifter. And the soldering isn’t an issue. I just soldered the headers to the pro micro. I even hooked up the wires to a db9 to test and the shifter works. My first adapter was with the leonardo and it works however it’s kind of bulky. That’s why I liked the smaller adapter.
Dave · January 7, 2025 at 5:21 pm
On the “Version 1.0.0” release page, the file for the shifter shield gerbers is labeled “Logitech_Shifter_Shield_Pro_Micro_Gerbers_v1.0.0.zip”
Steve · January 7, 2025 at 5:49 pm
One more thing and thanks for the help my boards are ordered. Where can I get a db9 with the pins of the bottom to go into the board? I can only find the ones with the pins straight out the back. I found some female headers. I am also unsure where to get the resistors. I appreciate the help.
Dave · January 7, 2025 at 5:55 pm
I typically order my parts from DigiKey. The shifter DB9 connector is AE10968-ND (Assmann WSW Components A-DS 09 A/KG-T2S), although it looks like it’s out of stock currently.
Steve · January 7, 2025 at 7:50 pm
What type of resistors did you use? I am not familiar. I found the db9 and female headers on aliexpress. If you could point me in the right direction I’ll have all the parts
Dave · January 8, 2025 at 1:09 pm
The resistors for the shifter are both 10K, 0805. I don’t know what resistors I used offhand, but the tolerance doesn’t matter for this project.
Steve · January 8, 2025 at 5:02 pm
Do you happen to have a schematic or anything that I can see where the resistors go. Are they the flat rectangle ones? Once again I appreciate this.
Dave · January 9, 2025 at 11:49 pm
You can find the schematic and the PCB design files in the project repository.
Steve · January 21, 2025 at 1:05 pm
I just received my pcb’s today. It was 3 for 11.50. I gotta solder on the components and I’ll be ready to test.
Steve · January 21, 2025 at 5:16 pm
I soldered the headers on both the arduino and the pcb. I soldered on the db9 as well as the 2 resistors. I uploaded the code. The shield isn’t working for me. Is there something I am missing in the code. I programmed it the same way as the other adapter you put out. I.e. The leonardo with the db9 and wires. I selected pro micro for this board. Does it have to be the sparkfun? I got a pro micro (micro usb) board. The pins look the same. Thanks
Dave · January 22, 2025 at 8:46 am
The software setup for the shield is different than for the Leonardo. Take a look at the documentation on the repo (README).
You do not need the SparkFun Pro Micro, any generic Pro Micro with the ATmega32U4 will work. But the 3D printed case may not fit if you do not use the SparkFun version.
Steve · January 22, 2025 at 11:48 am
I have gone through the files. I am just not understand how to setup the firmware. I am understanding that I use the sim racing library. I am lost on the part of the macros.
Steve · January 23, 2025 at 5:08 pm
Is there anyway you might want to sell me a shifter shield? I have the parts. I have read and re-read all of the information. I did the soldering. I am still not understanding the firmware setup. Is the tag connect required? I’m sure you are busy, i am just stuck. I am a beginner at this. Just curious if you wanted to sell a shifter shield or give a bit more direction for the firmware. Thanks.
Dave · January 24, 2025 at 7:12 pm
I’m not sure what additional direction I can give you. The pins on the shield are different than the ones in the YouTube video tutorial for the Leonardo. You need to swap out one line of code which defines the pins for the shifter. That line of code is provided in the README, and replaces the matching one in the library example.
I never planned to sell these, so unfortunately I do not have any spares on hand. There are various commercial alternatives you might want to consider if you’re struggling.
Steve · January 25, 2025 at 12:37 am
Thanks for the help. I think i did it differently than you described. I typed the constant int adding the pindetect and changed the pin numbers. I also changed one other line of code. Sorry to ask so many questions. This was my 3rd ever arduino project. I did the first shifter adapter. Then I built the stream deck. Now this project. Thanks again.
Steve · January 27, 2025 at 1:42 am
One last issue. I was playing American Truck Sim the shield was working great and suddenly it disconnects. Now no long recognizable by PC. I cannot get it working. Did the arduino code on my gaming pc mess it up. I programmed the shield on a separate pc
Dave · January 27, 2025 at 6:37 pm
I’d start by trying different cables and USB ports. If the microcontroller doesn’t respond at all then it may be damaged. Double-check your soldered connections and use a multimeter to see if there are any unintended shorts.
Steve · January 27, 2025 at 8:58 pm
I’m not seeing any bad solder connections. No shorts found with multimeter. The thing is it’s doing it with 2 boards (shields). No shorts. I have tried multiple usb ports and PCs. Also different cords. Can I post the code here and see if you can look it over. The 2 boards say Pro Micro on them, but they’re not Sparkfun. Is it a compatibility issue with the boards i bought. They are clones from Amazon. But they do not say sparkfun.
Dave · January 29, 2025 at 11:10 pm
When you remove its power the microcontroller resets, clearing its working memory. That means if the adapter was previously working and then suddenly refuses to turn on, it cannot be a code issue. It must be a hardware problem of some sort.
Typically, a USB disconnect causing the device to be disabled for a period of time means that a current overload has occurred, blowing the polyfuse on the Pro Micro. The polyfuse then needs time to cool and reset before the board will work again. Whether that overload is because of an issue with the PCB, the Pro Micro, or the shifter itself I have no way of knowing. All I can tell you is that my own adapters, using the same PCB designs and firmware from the public repos, work fine.
I’m afraid I can’t spare the time to help you troubleshoot any further, but I wish you the best of luck in figuring out the issue.
Steve · February 5, 2025 at 8:29 pm
Thanks for your time and advice. I actually got the usb C pro micro working with the shield. I believe I changed the wrong line of code. All I know is I installed IDE on a different computer with fresh files and changed the line of code and now it works. The micro usb pro micro does not. I believe that one is damaged. Thanks again for sharing these projects. It doesn’t not fit in the case but like you said that would be an issue. I did buy a real pro micro. I’m waiting on the PCB to arrive. Yes I went thru 3 of them.